Mouth full and sexy? From a neck muscle the new natural filler
Some women who undergo face lifting to rejuvenate their face can say goodbye to hyaluronic acid and other fillers: to have fuller and more attractive lips, the new surgical invention is a neck muscle. It is a technique tested in Florida at the Aesthetic Surgery Center in Naples, on 25 patients who underwent the operation and obtained satisfactory results. The results of the tests were published in the Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery journal. You can increase the volume of the mouth during a face lift: the surgeon takes a small segment of the platysma muscle with the connective tissue, which is removed because it is in excess, and implants it in the lips. The operation is simple, the risk of complications is minimal and the effects more lasting than those obtained with other cheiloplasty techniques.
Hyaluronic acid, gore-tex, are in fact the most modern solutions to an ancient “cosmetic” problem: since ancient times the representatives of the fair sex used natural dyes and colored clays to make their mouth seem more sensual. The increase in the volume of the lips is in fact one of the most requested cosmetic surgery operations but, according to the theories of evolutionary psychologists, the reason is Darwinian in nature: according to experts, men would prefer mates with a fleshy mouth because they are a symbol. of fertility and youth and therefore a guarantee of the continuation of the species.