What are inverted nipples
Inverted nipples are defined as nipples that point inward instead of outward. Inverted hair can affect one breast or both: it does not represent a health hazard, but it can cause embarrassment and become an emotional problem for the people who are affected, so many patients decide to intervene with a small operation to solve the blemish.
Inverted nipples usually interfere with breastfeeding, making it difficult to the point of completely preventing it.
Why are the nipples inverted?
Sometimes it is a simple family predisposition, that is the problem may be due to a shortness of the connective tissue or ductal systems of the nipple.
Other times the inverted nipples may instead arise due to changes in the breast tissue that occur during pregnancy: for example, adhesions may form between the nipple and the underlying tissue that prevent the nipple from protruding outwards.
Remedies to correct inverted nipples: how the surgery works
The operation aims to restore a natural appearance to the nipple: for this purpose there are techniques that involve the section of the milk ducts and others that maintain their integrity.