3 myths to dispel about breast augmentation

3 myths to dispel about breast augmentation

Although breast augmentation operations are now widespread, there are still many false myths that persist. These beliefs create fears and insecurities for those who wish to undergo this type of surgery. Below we will analyze 3 myths to dispel about breast augmentation.

1) The prostheses do not explode on the plane. The prostheses are totally safe. Believing that they can explode in an airplane is totally out of logic. If you hear any news about it, they are certainly hoaxes. If implants could actually explode during a flight, airlines would not allow women who have undergone breast surgery to board.

2 ) You can still breastfeed after breast augmentation surgery. The idea that, following breast surgery, it can prevent breastfeeding is also a myth that needs to be dispelled. Prostheses do not prevent the most natural thing that exists in the world and are no problem for the child.

3) Breast implants do not interfere with further medical examinations. Many people think that wearing breast implants can somehow lead to difficulties during medical examinations. It is also believed that mammoplasty makes it difficult to identify any breast tumors. Nothing could be more false: an expert radiologist is able to carry out without problems the periodic checks (mammography and breast ultrasound) that all women must do after the age of 40. If this were true, the health authorities would have banned all breast implant surgeries.