Facial implants

Facial implants

The goal of the intervention is to provide a more harmonious appearance to the face. Facial implants are solid, pre-formed, three-dimensional and are used to augment certain areas of the face such as the chin, jaw, nose and cheekbones. To give new volume to the malar region (the cheekbones), the surgeon evaluates from time to time whether to use filler injections, lipofilling or prostheses, always with the aim of obtaining a natural result.

The prostheses, made of different materials (silicone, goretex, medpore), vary in size and shape in relation to the defect to be corrected. The operation takes place under local anesthesia with sedation or under general anesthesia.

The cheekbone prostheses are inserted through an incision placed inside the mouth or on the edge of the lower eyelid, such as blepharoplasty. Even in the case of the chin, the prosthesis is usually inserted through an incision in the oral cavity. The prostheses can be fixed with sutures.

Usually the operation is performed in day surgery, so the patient can return home within the day. Normal daily life can be resumed after about a week, while it is better to avoid sports for about 20 days.

The scars are not visible and any swelling disappears in a few days. The final appearance occurs after about 6 months. The results are definitive and stable with a natural appearance without the prostheses being visible or palpable. If the patient has realistic expectations (for example, not how to look like a Hollywood star) and requests for correction consistent with their physiognomy, there are no reasons not to perform the surgery.

Chin implants : Chin implants can increase the size and projection of a chin that is out of proportion to the forehead and midface. A small or sunken chin can also give the impression that it disappears into the neck of a normal weight individual, rather than appearing as a distinct facial feature.

Maxillary Implants : Maxillary implants increase the width of the lower third of the face. Much like the chin, a weak jaw may appear as if it is not well defined and distinct from the neck. In some cases, both the chin and jaw can contribute to facial imbalance.

Cheek prosthesis : Cheek implants increase the projection of the cheekbones. They add volume to areas that are sunken or flat.