The new trends for 2022: from Jawline Definition to Fat-Grafting, a boom is expected for the neck, eyes and mandibular redefinition

The new trends for 2022: from Jawline Definition to Fat-Grafting, a boom is expected for the neck, eyes and mandibular redefinition

di Maria Serena Patriarca

There are just a few days left for the opening, in Paris, of the IMCAS World Congress, which will be held from 27 to 29 January 2022 and where we will take stock of the world situation in terms of dermatology, plastic surgery and anti-aging science.

Based on the progress of last year’s cosmetic surgery interventions and treatments, we can already hypothesize some “projection” for 2022, essentially based on the trends highlighted by AICPE (Italian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery).

Facial cosmetic surgery will continue to be a big hit among the treatments required. The Jawline Definition , or redefinition of the mandibular border, is a sector on the rise: it is essentially a procedure that allows you to give a more sensual aspect to the lower third of the face, which is also in great demand by stars ( men) of Hollywood. The goal is to emphasize the mandibular line, restore its continuity and give it a clearer definition.

Refreshing the eye contour, accomplices – among other things – the rise of videoconferences due to the pandemic period and the frequent wearing of the mask (which highlights the gaze), was one of the most felt needs in 2021 (just think that blepharoplasty has seen an increase in requests around 20% in the first half of 2021), and certainly the trend does not seem to fade with the new year.

But also the area of the chin is the protagonist of more and more frequent requests for intervention by the cosmetic surgeon.

According to the data released by AICPE, there are at least 20 treatments – more or less invasive – useful for improving the appearance of the face by counteracting laxity and emptying linked to the natural aging processes of the skin (sometimes exacerbated by stress linked to Covid anxiety) , or to correct imperfections with which you do not feel comfortable. Only the cosmetic surgeon is able to give the right indication on which is the correct path to follow, and most suitable for each individual, after a careful evaluation of the specific features of the face and the patient’s expectations.

An interesting growth perspective is offered by regenerative surgery, which consists of the transplantation of the patient’s own cells and tissues from one site to another. This is undoubtedly considered a valid alternative to injectors (botox and hyaluronic acid) and is increasingly used in the redefinition of facial volumes, also in combination with other surgical practices such as lifting or blepharoplasty, for example.

A space in itself has the practice of Fat-grafting , that is an autologous transplant of tissues rich in adipose cells (taken from the hips or abdomen) and stem cells that allows you to plump up the empty areas of the face, at the to promote cell regeneration at the transplant site.

The most difficult area to treat? What is defined as the lower third of the face, i.e. the cervico-mandibular tract, chin and perioral area, together with the upper part of the neck. This is because it is precisely here that non-invasive treatments, such as lasers, injections, suspension wires and radiofrequencies, offer transient and sometimes unsatisfactory results. To intervene with effective and lasting results on the area of ​​the lower third of the face and on the neck, however, it is advisable to resort to the surgical procedure: the techniques to improve the appearance of the jawline (or jawline ) aim at counteract the descent of the soft tissues downwards. The jawline has evolved a lot in recent years, so much so that today it is possible to achieve extremely natural and – fundamental aspect – long-lasting results. The most recommended interventions in this sector are the complete deep-plane head lift or the mini-face lift . The mini-lifting differs from the complete one mainly because it involves a detachment of less extensive portions of tissues: this involves a shorter stay in the operating room (only an hour, on average) and can be performed under local anesthesia; this allows to improve the jawline and the upper third of the neck with a rather rapid postoperative course, considering that the stitches are removed after 10 days. In any case, do not forget that it is a surgery and you must rely exclusively on a serious and qualified professional.