The new Wellness Start-up: From Fit-Now to Happiness for Future

The new Wellness Start-up: From Fit-Now to Happiness for Future

di Maria Serena Patriarca

The increasingly frenetic rhythms of everyday life in the city and the winter months have always coincided with the desire to rediscover, as quickly as possible, the psychophysical well-being conquered during the now distant summer holidays. In Italy, the hunt for trainers and gyms has already begun, with a great novelty: a special coach who arrives directly at home or anywhere else, optimizing their precious time. The innovative fitness delivery service is called FitNow and was born in Rome, for those who want to train in their own home and beyond (even in a park), dedicating to physical activity – complete with personal trainer available – no more than 20 minutes per session: thanks to the electrostimulation of 300 muscles at the same time, and to a specific nutritional program, you get the same results as grueling 4-hour sessions in the gym.

Three Roman entrepreneurs conceived the FitNow startup: Andrea Gherardi, specialized in business management, Michele Pisani, expert in the field of renewable sources and Carlo Sciarra, the first creator of the project with a background in the world of hi-tech companies, including foreign ones.

FitNow focuses its innovative soul precisely on hi-tech, using a one-of-a-kind suit, which uses cutting-edge EMS Total Body technology combined with wireless controls, through the app developed directly from the company. This equipment – made in different sizes depending on the weight and height of the user – works through the combination of electrostimulations and free body exercises tailored to the person. Its operation takes place wearing a specific underwear and dressing the customer with the EMS suit.

But how does the training work? The body is divided into 10 districts, allowing you to choose between different programs, from the metabolic, more dynamic with the aim of burning fat, to muscle strengthening, more static and aimed at building large masses. The FitNow app monitors the progression of the single session and the results achieved based on the objectives entered.

This records the use of each individual muscle group, the way in which values are developed and how the body changes lesson after lesson. In this case, the silhouette really combines with technology: the software is able to communicate with the app (to transfer and save training data) and the wireless system of the device, to connect the personal trainer tablet to the suit without wires, guiding it smoothly during training.

But the news in terms of start-ups for beauty and psychophysical well-being does not end there.

Everyone can choose to improve their life, build their own wellness and feel good about themselves, not through drastic and sudden changes, which can be perceived as a “break” from the daily routine, but through small moments to devote to beauty and to physical shape every day, with delicate and gentle practices, respectful of oneself and of one’s physicality and emotionality.

In short, it is a question of transforming new simple wellness practices into habits, which can become our “anchors of salvation”, even and above all when we find ourselves experiencing unpleasant moments: in the wake of these considerations, Lara Lucaccioni, Yoga trainer of Laughter and Cardiac Coherence, author of the besteller “Ridi Ama Vivi”, and Matteo Ficara, philosopher, writer and CHO (Chief Happiness Officer), created the innovative start-up Happiness for Future , through the “ Live 365 ”. A year-long program, made up of simple and accessible theories and practices, around a unique theme each month, according to four macro-areas studied by experts in the sector: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. The path is inspired by the Science of Happiness, a young science that, taking up the Eudaimonic philosophy of the past, considers Happiness as a daily path, or rather as a skill to be trained through daily practices and the search for the meaning of life. “ We are what we repeatedly do, therefore excellence is not an act, but a habit ”, said Aristotle.

A statement also validated by science, considering that, according to a study by Duke University, 40% of the actions we do every day are not the result of choice, but of habits. A habit does not represent a goal to be achieved, but a lifestyle to be carried out every day, which needs commitment and dedication. Small steps can lead to huge changes. With “Vivi365” you train through 12 themes: sleep, nutrition, movement, positive emotions, relationships, motivation, clarity, focusing, perspectives, states of presence, interconnection, wonder, including practices such as heart coherence, laughter yoga, breathing to sleep, emotion grid, meditative and imaginative practices.

The path is based on HEART, the model for the construction of Happiness developed by Lucaccioni and Ficara, based on the following components: H as Habits-Habits; E as Energy-Energy; A as Awareness-Awareness; R as Relationship-Relations; T like Thrive-Prosperity or Flowering. The goal of Happiness for Future is therefore to build Wellbeing and Awareness, through the production of culture and training, with paths and experiences accessible to all.