Sleeping well helps keep the skin on your face younger: this is demonstrated by the most recent American scientific studies

Sleeping well helps keep the skin on your face younger: this is demonstrated by the most recent American scientific studies

di Maria Serena Patriarca

Insomnia, the great “enemy” of many of us, especially since the onset of the Covid pandemic onwards, thanks to the states of anxiety exacerbated by the health emergency and social distancing. A study by the prestigious US scientific-medical platform Healthline has highlighted the dangerous link between disturbed and / or interrupted sleep and skin aging, especially as regards the signs of aging on our face.

Sleeping is good for you and restful sleep is one of the pillars of beauty, as it benefits not only the mood, but also our skin. The effects of insomnia, especially if prolonged over time, can in fact be really evident, intensifying wrinkles, dark circles and opacity on the face.

During the night’s rest, the skin (especially in its outermost layer, i.e. the epidermis) has time to regenerate, carrying out a restorative action that reaches its peak – in principle – between 3 and 4 in the morning. At night, especially in the skin of the face which is the mirror of our general well-being, biological mechanisms are activated other than those that occur during the day. Smog and daily activities, from work to certain particularly “challenging” sports, from studying to hours spent behind the wheel in traffic, actually subject the skin to continuous stress, a cause of dehydration, first of all, but also of less production of sebum and capillary dilation.

If sleep is impaired, the body produces fewer antioxidants and, as the hours of rest decrease, the ability of cells to regenerate is weakened. This explains why, as Healthline research shows, wrinkles become more accentuated and when we wake up and look in the mirror, the signs of age appear visible on the face. As a result, the complexion becomes dull, accentuated by unclear and sometimes red eyes.

How to run for cover to regain radiant, hydrated and smooth skin? Surely a consultation with your trusted cosmetic surgeon can be a valid help in identifying the most appropriate treatments for your personal needs, taking into account that it is essential to sleep at least 7 hours a night, with a temperature between 18 and 20 degrees, and choose always the right products to apply on the face before sleeping: the best are those rich in vitamins E and C, hyaluronic acid or retinol, able to give the right vigor to the self-repairing action of the epidermis.

Finally, let’s not forget that – during the night’s rest – the body works for us, producing melatonin, the sleep hormone. Melatonin acts on the whole body and in particular on our skin, favoring the hydration of the epidermis and fighting the action of free radicals. Sleep is therefore transformed into a sort of anti-aging beauty treatment, which we can facilitate by remembering to consume a light evening meal (preferring cooked vegetables, fish or whole grains) to be consumed at least three hours before going to bed, and also practicing a few minutes of gentle gymnastics and stretching by night . In this case it is better to combine movements and breathing, slow and deep, with a background of classical music, in a quiet room, with soft lighting (excellent salt lamp or sandalwood candles), in the evening before going. to bed. After the short relaxing workout in the evening, treat yourself to a moment of “pampering” sipping an infusion based on lavender, chamomile, hawthorn or lemon balm, herbs with relaxing, digestive and soothing properties.