The effects of the pandemic on the numbers of aesthetic surgery in Italy: we slip from fifth to eight place in the world ranking. Non-surgical practices on the growth in the trail of the "zoom effect"

The effects of the pandemic on the numbers of aesthetic surgery in Italy: we slip from fifth to eight place in the world ranking. Non-surgical practices on the growth in the trail of the "zoom effect"

di Maria Serena Patriarca


The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has recently published the world data of the sector, and this allows us to reflect on how the health and social emergency linked to Covid has influenced, in the last two years, also on aesthetic surgery interventions. in our country.

The statistics, elaborated on the basis of a research conducted on a sample of plastic surgeons from all over the world, denote a general decline in the sector, since – especially during the first year of the pandemic – Aesthetic Plastic Surgery interventions at a global level, and not only Italian, they were suspended for long periods, thanks to the months of lockdown.

This has meant that Italy has lost positions in the ranking of the positioning of the various countries for the total number of procedures (surgical and non-surgical): from the fifth place we held in 2019, in fact, we have slipped to eighth place, after the United States, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Turkey, Mexico and Argentina.

In 2020 in Italy (as reported by the Italian Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association) a total of about 830,868 aesthetic procedures were performed, whereas in 2019 there were over one million: 1,088,704, to be exact. The general decline compared to the previous year is around minus 10% for surgical practices; on the other hand, non-surgical practices increased by 5.7%, confirming a trend in the sector – at a macro level – already underway before the pandemic.

Breast augmentation interventions continue to be the most requested by women, particularly in the 19-34 age group, while blepharoplasty remains the most requested by male patients.

As for Botulinum Toxin and Hyaluronic Acid, these are awarded the “palm of gold” among non-invasive practices: the most popular injections were confirmed also in 2020, particularly in the 35-50 age group, while peeling chemists gained the third place among the most coveted procedures, closely followed by treatments for the permanent removal of unwanted hair and for facial rejuvenation.

An important element to note is that Aesthetic Medicine techniques have recovered quickly after lockdowns, also as a consequence of the so-called “Zoom Effect”, which has prompted many patients – especially professionals engaged in online videoconferencing – to favor treatments aimed at improving the appearance of the face.

As for the over 40 age group (remembering that 40 years are now considered the new 30), the most requested treatments continue to be botox, fillers but also body contouring and liquid lifting: according to experts these will be among the most desired, even in the next few years, thanks to the “imitation” effect of Hollywood actresses and stars who dictate models and standards of beauty through fashion magazines and social networks. One of the best known examples is that of singer Britney Spears, who is among the many celebrities to have confessed to using lip filler regularly. Jennifer Aniston, on the other hand, has stated in various interviews that she is rejuvenated thanks to the non-surgical ultrasound facelift. Without forgetting the top fashion Paulina Porizkova, who posted on Instagram a photo showing the outline of her eyes dotted with small red marks, the effect of the recent treatment with the plasma pen to have a fresher, more toned and attractive face.